
- Projections & CMA Data

CMA Data means Credit Monitoring Arrangement data. As per RBI guidelines, CMA data is required for Project Loans, Term Loans and Working Capital Limits. This data is to be provided by a company to bank for getting the loan from bank and every year, for renewing or enhancing their existing Bank loan.

A Projection or projected balance sheet indicates the expected future changes in the financial statements by considering the future investments, equity financing and the remaining liabilities. Usually businesses tend to prepare projected balance sheet in order to make strategic decisions.

Both CMA data and Projection are vital documents for the loan proposal to Bank.

Our Assistance :

  • Preparing CMA data as per your loan requirement
  • Preparing the Detailed Project Report (DPR)
  • Techno Economic Viability Studies (TEV)
  • Conducting valuations for your assets and business