Private Limited Company Registration

Private Limited Company Registration

Private limited company is an independent legal entity with limited liability. Private limited company is a limited liability company formed with minimum two and maximum fifteen directors under Companies Act 2013 and it can have minimum two and maximum two hundred shareholders/members. In this form of company, directors have limited liability to shareholders, perpetual succession, easy to manage compliances, easy equity funding, and transferable ownership i.e. sale or purchase of company.

Documents Requirement For Private Limited Company

  • Photographs of all Proposed Shareholders & Directors.
  • PAN card Copy of all Proposed Shareholders & Directors.
  • ID Proof – Driving License / Voter ID / Passport (anyone) of all Proposed Shareholders & Directors.
  • Address Proof – Bank Statement / Telephone or Mobile or Electricity Bill (not more than 30 days old) of all Proposed Shareholders & Directors.
  • Email ID and Mobile Numbers of all Proposed Shareholders & Directors.
  • Aadhar card ( Optional ).
  • Proposed Company Registered Office Address Proof – Telephone or Mobile or Electricity Bill (not more than 30 days old) + NOC from property owner.
  • DIN ( Optional – In case any proposed director already have Active DIN).